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Galiautdinova R.




this overview highlights the effectiveness of music in treating depression and enhancing overall quality of life across various age demographics and health conditions.   

Ключевые слова:
depression, anxiety, music, social isolation, music therapy, music interventions, singing, wellbeing   

Depression is recognized as one of the most highly prevalent health issues affecting over 320 million individuals globally [1]. It is defined by primary symptoms including decreased interest and energy, feeling of sadness, loss of enjoyment, alongside additional symptoms such as disrupted sleep patterns, changes in appetite and weight, poor concentration and feeling of guilt. Recent reports highlight depression as a leading cause of disability worldwide. It is strongly linked to suicide, ranking as the second leading cause of death, with nearly 800, 000 cases annually. [1, 2] Depression is a common chronic disease that can occur at any stage of life with a higher prevalence among women compared to men [1]. Not only does it impact individuals psychologically, physically, emotionally and socially, but fundamentally affects their overall well-being. Without medical treatment, depression often has a tendency to develop into a chronic condition, potentially resulting in feelings of loneliness and growing social isolation [3].While modern therapies for depression encompass chemical, peptide, and gene-based approaches, approximately one-third of depression patients do not respond adequately to existing medications [4]. Furthermore, the blood-brain barrier impedes the passage of many drugs into the brain, resulting in unsatisfactory treatment outcomes [5]. Existing depression treatments often produce numerous adverse effects and negatively affect patient well-being. Accordingly, there is an immediate necessity to explore alternative therapies that offer improved efficacy and fewer side effects [6].In the past twenty years, there has been a surge in research and numerous studies exploring and documenting the effectiveness of music therapy and music medicine [7, 8]. A recent meta-analysis found compelling evidence supporting the use of music as significant aid in alleviating postoperative symptoms of anxiety and pain [10]. Other meta-analyses have documented a clear impact of music in enhancing depression. [11]. Many researchers have adopted highly specific experimental designs, focusing solely on particular music genres such as vocal or instrumental, employing either group-based or individual, or targeting specific age groups among participants [7, 8, 9]. Music serves as a powerful trigger capable of eliciting and regulating moods and emotions [9, 12]. In addition it is commonly employed deliberately to manage emotions and mood in everyday life. Some studies suggest that music might impact motivation, self-perception, and strategies for dealing with challenging emotional states. In certain types of music therapy, therapists explicitly assist individuals in processing emotions stimulated by music [13]. Other research proposes additional potential mechanisms, noting that music therapy trials often exhibit high levels of engagement because music-making is inherently social, enjoyable, and meaningful [14]. Importantly, studies indicate that listening to music may mitigate the effects of depression and anxiety. For instance, a recent study discovered that college students who incorporated classical music into their daily routine for two months experienced notably reduced levels of anxiety [15]. Another study examining the correlation between music and anxiety among individuals with acrophobia (fear of heights). Participants were exposed to a virtual reality simulation of riding nine floors in an elevator. One group listened to music during the simulation, while the other group did not. The findings revealed that those who listened to music recovered from the stress faster compared to those who did not. Additionally, numerous studies suggest that listening to music can lower levels of stress hormones, as well as reduce blood pressure and heart rate [16].Psychologists and music therapists discovered that songs with narratives that diverge from challenges a person is experiencing provide a distraction from said challenges. This approach can momentarily transport them to a different mental space and provide a brief respite from their worries, similar to the escapism experienced while reading a captivating book [14].Patients with dementia experience notable improvements in cognitive and emotional functioning through activities such as singing or listening to familiar songs [17]. Everyday musical engagements can foster a positive aging process by promoting emotional wellness, preserving skills and alleviating social isolation [18]. In older adults without health issues, listening to music can temporarily boost concentration and memory, while consistent participation in musical activities like singing is linked to enhanced overall well-being and reduced depression [20]. Similarly, individuals with chronic depression also report positive effects from music interventions [21]. Cardiology is an area where music interventions are frequently utilized for therapeutic purposes. Various theories have been proposed to explain the wide-range effects of music on the cardiovascular system, leading to investigations into its potential benefits [22]. Evaluations of music as a therapeutic tool have shown positive outcomes, such as reducing preoperative anxiety and promoting relaxation during medical procedures [22, 23]. A comprehensive review found that music enhances subjective sleep quality in adults with insomnia, improves verbal memory in children and boosts episodic long-term memory [24, 25]. Subjective impressions embedded in musical compositions can trigger physiological responses and even enhance the immune system [25]. The tempo of background music has been utilized as a key element in many marketing strategies to create a relaxed ambiance [26]. There are many studies documenting compelling evidence indicating that music presents a promising treatment option for alleviating symptoms of depression and enhancing overall quality of life across various age demographics and health conditions. These findings offer valuable support for future initiatives in the field.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (72) том 1


Ссылка для цитирования:

Galiautdinova R. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MUSIC IN TREATING DEPRESSION // Вестник науки №3 (72) том 1. С. 386 - 391. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13210 (дата обращения: 10.11.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/13210

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