Sylapov Ch., Taylyyeva A., Allanazarova M.
this article provides a brief introduction to sport psychology and the subject and objectives of sport psychology. It also talks about the psychological characteristics of sports.
Ключевые слова:
athletes, psychological preparation, orientation exercises, physical training, self-training
Sports psychology is the science of the psychological laws of sports activity, features of mental processes, mental properties, mental states in athletes, problems of the individual and team in sports. The object of sports psychology is a person engaged in sports activities - an athlete. The subject of sports psychology is the patterns of the psyche, the psychological characteristics of the personality and activity of athletes in various conditions of training and competition. The tasks of sports psychology are determined by the problem areas that are considered by this branch of psychological science. We will indicate these problematic sectors and their main tasks.Sports activity: a) study of general issues of sports activity (goals, motives, methods and results), b) development of a psychosportogram (study of the demands that a sport places on the athlete’s psyche), c) development of the psychological foundations of training and competitive activity to increase its effectiveness.Athlete's personality: a) study of the psychological foundations of personality formation in sports activities, b) the formation of special personality traits (personality traits that contribute to achieving high results in a particular sport: for example, initiative in sports games, courage in skydiving), c) studying the personality traits of a high-class athlete.Psychological preparation: a) development of a system of psychological preparation in all sports, b) development and description of methods of regulation and self-regulation in sports, c) creation of express methods for studying the personality and activities of athletes.Psychology of sports groups: a) study of the characteristics of the functioning of large and small groups and their impact on the athlete, b) study of compatibility in sports, c) study of relationships in the “coach-athlete”, “athlete-athlete” system.One of the most important features of sports activity, its integral part is psychomotority - the functional relationship of various mental processes with human movements and activities. Psychomotor skills are the connecting link between the main factors and patterns of mental development, ensuring perfect mastery of the technique of a particular sport. Psychomotor processes include specialized perceptions (“sense of water”, “sense of the ball”), all voluntarily controlled actions (including motor skills), speed and accuracy of response to stimuli.The second feature is the athlete’s desire to improve in his chosen sport (the need to master the perfect technique for performing physical exercises) and achieve the highest results in it. This requires the athlete to undergo systematic and long-term training, during which certain motor skills are formed and improved and the qualities necessary for a particular sport are developed.The third feature is the presence of sports wrestling, which becomes especially acute during sports competitions and is accompanied by the manifestation of pronounced emotions.The fourth feature is the presence of pronounced stress, especially at the level of large-scale competitions.Thus, the stressful nature of modern sports is determined by: the rapid growth of sports results, the conditions of intense competitive struggle between equal opponents (at the present stage of development of sports, the physical and technical readiness of the strongest athletes are approximately at the same level, so the outcome of the competition is determined to a large extent by psychological factors), increasing training and competitive loads, rejuvenating athletes (teenagers who are not distinguished by mental maturity and emotional stability enter the arena of major competitions).
Номер журнала Вестник науки №3 (72) том 2
Ссылка для цитирования:
Sylapov Ch., Taylyyeva A., Allanazarova M. INTRODUCTION TO SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY AND THE SUBJECT AND OBJECTIVES OF SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY // Вестник науки №3 (72) том 2. С. 387 - 389. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/13317 (дата обращения: 13.11.2024 г.)
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