Sylapov Ch., Amanberdiyeva A., Annagulyyev K.
this article provides a brief overview of the basics of sports psychology and its importance in sports. It also discusses the impact of a focus on sport psychology on athletes' motivation and self-confidence.
Ключевые слова:
athletes, psychological preparation, orientation exercises, physical training, self-training
In the period 1920-1940. A few studies in the field of sports psychology were conducted in the USA, Germany and some other countries. Despite interesting research carried out by individual scientists in a number of countries in the first half of the 20th century, this area of psychology has not received international recognition as an independent scientific discipline.The intensive development of sports psychology began after the Second World War. The post-war development of the psychology of physical education and sports was characterized by its greater convergence with practice.In 1965, on the initiative of the Italian Federation of Sports Medicine, the first congress on sports psychology was organized in Rome. The International Society for Sport Psychology was created.Over the past thirty years, a large number of psychological works have been published on the study of athletes and sports performance. Sports psychology has established itself as a scientific and practical discipline and can be considered as an independent branch of psychological knowledge.In the 20-30s it was a problem of the influence of physical activity on the mental sphere of a person, in the 40-50s - the formation and improvement of motor skills, in the 50-60s - emotional-volitional training, in the 70-80s - psychological preparation for competitions and self-regulation, in the 80-90s - a global problem of psychological support for sports activities, including the use of hypnosis, trance, neurolinguistic programming for the formation and improvement of sports character, for better recovery after training loads, for revealing the deep reserves of athletes.With the passage of time, the central, leading problems replaced each other, but the task of not only researching, but also providing a positive psychological and pedagogical impact remained the main one.Studying the psychological patterns of formation in athletes and teams of sportsmanship and qualities necessary for participation in competitions, Development of psychologically based methods of training and preparation for competitions.Studying the influence of sports activity on the psyche of athletes:• Development of psychological conditions to increase the effectiveness of sports training.• Development of psychological foundations for pre-competition training of athletes.• Study of socio-psychological phenomena in a sports team.• In pre-competition preparation, various mental processes and states begin to play an important role, and the importance of psychological factors increases.• Development of methods for pre-competition training of athletes is one of the main functions of sports psychology. Subject of sports psychology:psychological characteristics of sports activity in its various types,psychological characteristics of the athlete’s personality.• physical education is an educational process and is characterized by the principles inherent in the pedagogical process• physical education is distinguished by the fact that the formation of motor abilities and skills, the education of physical qualities and mental properties is carried out in full accordance with the laws of periodization of ontogenesisPsychological features of training activities: training and education aimed at developing the athlete’s personality, improvement of psychological processes and personality traits, adaptation to increasing physical and psychological stress, systematic increase in the previously achieved and already habitual level of physical and mental development (overcoming oneself), subordinating oneself to strict discipline, a routine of life and tasks, the athlete’s attitude to training activities and the perfection of his motivation system, the presence of specific communication: 1) with a coach who seeks to encourage the athlete to do extensive and high-quality work (often to the limit of his capabilities), 2) with comrades who often act as rivals or competitors.
Номер журнала Вестник науки №4 (73) том 3
Ссылка для цитирования:
Sylapov Ch., Amanberdiyeva A., Annagulyyev K. BASICS OF SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN SPORTS // Вестник науки №4 (73) том 3. С. 691 - 693. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/14016 (дата обращения: 22.01.2025 г.)
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