Zhaishybekova A.M.
article discusses the relevance of learning English in the modern period of development of our society. It is said that special attention should be paid to the development of speaking skills. There are a number of factors that contribute to the formation of oral speech skills in the process of teaching a foreign language. It is analyzed how dialogical and monologue works influence the development of speech.
Ключевые слова:
speaking skills, development of speech, methodological recommendations, learning English, communication, education, dialogue
The main goal of teaching a foreign language is the communicative formation and development of a foreign language, free mastery of it. A foreign language meets the requirements of modernity, this is a hot period of socio-economic, scientific, technical and cultural development of society. Now the level of methods of teaching foreign languages is high. Language teaching uses an interactive approach, games, mutual discussions, as well as information technology, the Internet, and computers. With the aim of developing knowledge and science in the direction of innovative technologies on the threshold of the 21st century, our name is the main symbol of great hope. They say that the future of an educated nation will not be cloudless, therefore the demand of today to give the younger generation a meaningful, meaningful and moral education. The systemic reform of secondary education during the formation of Kazakhstan as an independent state is of great importance from a social point of view. The implementation of the reform of education and one important character is born from the need to technologize the educational process in modern times. The use of various technologies to improve the quality of education in schools is practiced and gives results at its level. At present, democratization and humanization of the sphere of education is being carried out in our country. English with mother tongue not only improves the speaking skills and general development of the student, but also accustoms him to the culture of communication with other people. Improving the student's ability to speak a foreign language is the main goal of the educational content provided in the school. Communication is the main goal of the school, while interacting with the textbook and other students, the student learns all subjects. When we teach students a foreign language, we open the way for them to the culture of other peoples and the culture of the world.The main person in the school is the teacher, whose main goal is to form a rich, developed personality with a spiritual soul.«The study of language material plays a very important role in the correct and competent speech of students in a foreign language. Vocabulary work is carried out by searching for new words found in the text, performing exercises with various correct phrases and additional meaningful words» [1, p.67]. Although phonetic material at first glance does not seem necessary for high school students, it is important to remember some features of sound recording, voice rhythm, and accentuation in lessons. Then, this has increased the student's interest in the language and contributed to the effective conduct of the lesson.Various technologies are being introduced in the field of education, but the main requirement is to choose the right one and use it effectively at each stage of the lesson. The problem is not in the widespread use of technology, but in raising a person to be results-oriented.Despite the large number of innovative technologies, the variety of their types and methods, the elements of each technology are interconnected. Working with a computer also occupies a special place in English lessons. Today's technical teaching aids such as the telephone, television, tape recorder and multimedia classroom require close attention to the service of language acquisition, a critical look at our achievements in this direction and the introduction of differentiated science and technology and achievements.The main goal of a teacher in teaching a foreign language is to develop students' language, oral and written skills using various methods.«The correct organization of speech development methods is the main means of increasing the mental ability and literacy of students. This problem is directly related to the subject of the English language. The main goal of the subject in this area is to bring students to the level of ability to speak and write in a foreign language. Thus, the creative activity and enterprise of the teacher will be largely reflected»[2].Since the main purpose of the English language is to teach students the language, the main task is to teach the words. The main basis of the English lesson should be language development work. «The students' mastery of information and definitions of phonetic, lexical, grammatical material, the correct use of explanations in English, the ability to systematically and freely express their thoughts depend on the correct organization of speech activity»[3].According to Barnes and Mercer, exploratory conversation is the type of conversation that teachers need to develop when engaging students in conversation. «During the research conversation, students work in small groups with their classmates. They have a common problem, a joint understanding of this problem is formed. They exchange opinions with ideas, discuss each other's ideas, evaluate them, form understanding with collective knowledge. In other words, students think together. When students are involved in a research conversation, they speak their thoughts out loud, offer hypotheses and discuss»[5]. «In daily teaching, we often do not pay much attention to the speed of response, we do not measure the time it takes to respond, we only approximate, and because of this, time density is always felt. At this time, the teacher rushes the students and does not give them time to gather their thoughts»[7].In conclusion, it can be seen that it is very important to perform exercises using effective methods for the formation of students' speaking skills. Therefore, providing thorough education while actively organizing their business speaking skills depends on the teacher's quick thinking and communicative competence. We introduced the tips we learned in practice, noticed changes, and saw confidence in the answers of our students. Now, in the course of the lesson, the students worked independently, began to master the new topic with their own research, and had the opportunity to analyze their understanding. We were just guiding them. Group work made it possible for students to work together, make decisions together, and get full information with their own thoughts. We always implemented dialogic teaching in every lesson, because English is a subject that requires oral communication and some proof of what we have read. Making a poster was effective for learning and understanding a new topic, because it is very important to work in an English class. It is very effective to work with the text through posters and role-playing games. It accustoms the students to work quickly, make quick decisions, develops critical thinking and forms the culture of speaking.
Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (74) том 3
Ссылка для цитирования:
Zhaishybekova A.M. USING SPEAKING SKILLS IN TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE // Вестник науки №5 (74) том 3. С. 871 - 874. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/14649 (дата обращения: 08.12.2024 г.)
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