Anisimova V.S., Prokopenko Yu.A.
this paper explores the topic of leadership, what youth social responsibility is and its implications. It also discusses the personal qualities and characteristics of a leader and different forms of social responsibility.
Ключевые слова:
youth, leadership, responsibility, classifications of leaders, sociology, social responsibility, self-development
In today's world, the issues of social responsibility of leaders are becoming more and more relevant and discussed. Leaders, whether in business, politics or the public sphere, play a key role in shaping values and norms of behavior in society. Their decisions and actions have a significant impact on those around them and on the very structure of society.The study of a leader's social responsibility is a complex problem that requires analyzing various aspects. The study of this problem will provide a deeper understanding of the role of the leader in the modern world, his influence on the formation of public opinion and the development of socially responsible behavior.The relevance of this topic is currently high enough. The development of youth policy is developing at a rapid pace, as well as the information society as a whole. Youth does not stand still, it learns something new, learns to be an independent and independent cell of society. However, to be an independent person, it is necessary to be responsible for their actions. If we talk about youth, then usually in a broad sense - it is a broad set of group communities, forming on the basis of age characteristics and related main activities. The Bill defines the age that refers to ‘youth’ as persons between the ages of 14 and 35 inclusive. That is, youth is a group of persons. In any group there is a ‘leadership’, which is more responsible than the other participants for the deeds, actions and decisions made by the group. In this case, it is worth mentioning the concept of a leader. It is he who leads the collective and motivates others to perform generally significant, serious actions that can bring benefits in all spheres of life (spiritual, social, economic and political). A leader is a person who enjoys authority, who is looked up to by others. That is why a person with leadership qualities should be aware of social responsibility to other members of the group and to himself/herself first of all. Many people should develop this responsibility in themselves, and that is why my topic has relevance in today's world. [1]Youth is a special social and age group, distinguished by age limits and its status in society: the transition from childhood and adolescence to social responsibility. Some scientists understand youth as a set of people to whom the society provides an opportunity of social formation, providing them with benefits, but limiting in the possibility of active participation in certain spheres of society. The age limits for classifying people as youth vary from country to country. The lower age limit of youth is set between 14 and 16, the upper one - between 25 and 35 years and even later.In our understanding, youth is the engine of modern society. Young people have a huge potential and energy, which they channel into their activities, bringing benefits to society and in parallel gaining experience, awareness and understanding of their importance in the world. Unfortunately, not all people between the ages of 14 and 35 are active in youth society politics. Someone thinks that it is not given to him from birth or is afraid to leave the comfort zone, someone is in stagnation and approaches the threshold of degradation every year. All people are individuals. It is impossible to find a person who will fully reckon with your opinion and share views on life. This is absolutely normal, because the key role is played by upbringing and social circle. However, to a greater or lesser extent, to influence the thoughts of others and set them on the right path is quite possible. There is a leader for this purpose. 1.The concept of ‘leader’ and its characteristicsA leader (from the English word ‘leader’ - ‘leading, first, going ahead’) is a person in any group who enjoys great authority and has influence, which manifests itself as controlling actions. In my opinion, a leader should have such qualities that can not only motivate people, but also benefit the individual. [2] Some people are born leaders and are tirelessly being them in life, while others find these abilities in themselves in the process of socialisation and try to develop them in various ways. Sooner or later, many people acquire the qualities of a leader, but not everyone knows how to use them competently, especially by influencing people. It should be noted that the development of personality should be constant, otherwise there will be a stagnation, leading to the decline in the value of leadership qualities. Self-development is the key to success in any business. A leader has the following qualities: self-confidence, initiative, perseverance, ability to express a point of view, ability to express his thoughts competently, purposefulness, charisma and most importantly - the ability to bear responsibility. [3]Work in the sphere of ‘man-to-man’ is quite difficult not only physically, but also morally. For a good result it is necessary to be able to lead a team, to listen to people, to take into account their wishes and to support them if necessary. All this must be possible for a leader. You can not give orders to whom what to do, it is a gross mistake that can be made when working with a certain group of people. Here is an important distinction between a leader and a boss or manager. ‘People ask what is the difference between a leader and a boss. A leader works in the open, a boss works in the closed. The leader leads, the boss drives.’ - Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States, 1901-1909. The development of youth leadership is largely determined by significant competition not only in the regional and national labour and employment markets, but also in the global political and economic market, the need to ensure a decent standard of living for the country's citizens and future generations. That is why the task of educating a new young leader has become extremely necessary for society.When a person interacts with people who are under his leadership, he automatically puts a great responsibility on his shoulders. Namely, social responsibility. 2. The content of social youth responsibilityTo begin with, it is worth understanding what social youth responsibility is. In my understanding, it is when a person is so fulfilled in his self-development and has reached such a degree that he is ready to take responsibility not only for his own actions, but also for the people around him, personal team, group and the like. There are several levels of social responsibility of a leader. The first level of responsibility comes when a person acquires self-consciousness, personal responsibility, his actions and deeds have logic, his whole life is completely on him. The stage of life when a person realizes that he needs personal freedom and independence from someone (for example, a boss). He is ready to move forward by his own efforts, determines the level of his abilities to open a personal business - this is the second level of responsibility.The third level is the period when the leader has formed his worldview and is ready to share his knowledge with others. In addition, the person realises that it is necessary to bear responsibility not only for oneself. The personality is filled with the necessary qualities and is ready to motivate and support others.A person reaches the fourth level of responsibility only when he/she is fully capable of taking responsibility for the surrounding world: nature, country.Differences in the measure of social responsibility development can be manifested in the scale of consequences subject to responsibility (social group consequences for the movement, consequences for separate strata of the population, broad social consequences on the scale of the territory), and in the breadth of awareness and acceptance of social consequences subject to responsibility (parameters of social changes), and in the forms of accepting responsibility (legal, moral, situational and effective), and, finally, in the measure (coefficient) of personal responsibility of a young person. 3. «Leader – society»The social responsibility of the leader of a youth organisation can be defined as his/her readiness to take pro-social actions of the organisation (e.g. generation, development and implementation of socially oriented projects), to form and implement socially significant decisions, to involve young people in the implementation of these decisions and to control their implementation, and is also manifested in individual awareness of official and unofficial sanctions for the social consequences of the decisions and activities of the led social movement. Social responsibility plays an important role in the activities of leaders of pro-social youth movements. It is especially socially desirable quality of a leader in the concept of ‘leader-society’ in youth social policy.Social responsibility is shown as the readiness and realisation of the willingness to take responsibility for social transformations and consequences not only of one's own actions, but also of the actions of one's team. The social responsibility of a youth leader can be depicted through the characteristic components of its structure: setting-purpose, dynamic, motivational, cognitive, emotional, regulatory, productive and reflexive-evaluative. Social responsibility of a youth leader, manifesting itself at the cognitive, affective and behavioural levels is interrelated with a number of individual and socio-psychological features of the leader's personality, his partial group affiliation and socio-psychological features of teamwork.Social responsibility of a youth leader is a complex psychological part that should be carefully worked out. In order to gain full superiority in the sphere of managing and leading people, it is necessary to reach the highest point of self-development, self-knowledge and experience a high level of responsibility for one's actions. A broad outlook is also of great importance. If a person will stick to one point of view and have a narrow outlook, he will not be able to find an approach to different people, will not be able to lead a team and be a competent leader. [4]To have all the necessary skills, you need a lot of work on yourself, which will occur throughout life. After all, there is no limit to perfection. First of all, the environment has a great influence on us. It forms our habits, peculiarities of behaviour and lays the basics of outlook. If initially get into an active team, where there is constant development, the chances of becoming a leader are much higher. Then the person himself will want to develop and will come.
Номер журнала Вестник науки №5 (74) том 3
Ссылка для цитирования:
Anisimova V.S., Prokopenko Yu.A. THE LEADER OF THE MODERN GENERATION SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF A LEADER // Вестник науки №5 (74) том 3. С. 946 - 951. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/14658 (дата обращения: 08.12.2024 г.)
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