Ordabayeva D.M., Zhylkybayeva T.Zh., Tumgoeva L.I.
this article investigates the significant role of the communicative approach in fostering the development of language competence among learners. The communicative approach, which prioritizes interaction, authentic communication, and practical language use over traditional rote memorization and grammar-focused instruction, has brought about a paradigm shift in language teaching methodologies. By examining a range of empirical studies, classroom practices, and theoretical frameworks, this paper elucidates how the communicative approach facilitates the enhancement of key language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Findings indicate substantial improvements in learners' fluency, accuracy, and overall ability to engage in meaningful communication in the target language. Additionally, the paper addresses common challenges faced by educators in implementing the communicative approach, such as classroom management issues, resource limitations, and varying learner proficiencies. Practical recommendations are provided to help educators effectively integrate communicative strategies into their teaching practices, thereby optimizing language-learning outcomes in diverse educational contexts. This comprehensive analysis underscores the transformative potential of the communicative approach in developing robust language competence and preparing learners for real-world communicative demands.
Ключевые слова:
foreign language, study, teaching, communication skills
The formation of foreign language communicative competence, that is, the ability and willingness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers, is the main goal of teaching a foreign language at the present stage in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. A foreign language is used in a communicative function in order to ensure mutual understanding between different peoples. Currently, in the era of integrated learning, English is recognized as the language of global communication, which is evidence of the creation of a new identity in the modern formation of people for whom English is a means of overcoming interlanguage and intercultural barriers. The requirements for knowledge of a foreign language have changed in society, so the tasks of teaching within the framework of integrated learning can be solved by applying a communicative methodology [1].Communicative competence is focused on achieving practical results in mastering the English language. The communicative approach is one of the methodological standards for the implementation of the program requirements. There are many different methods in the history of English language teaching. The communicative method is one of the most interesting and effective, because it is based on the ideas of communicative linguistics, the concept of personality development in the dialogue of cultures, which determine the ultimate goal of teaching a foreign language – mastering a foreign language culture in the process of intercultural communication. The speech orientation and overcoming the language barrier through the practice of communication determine the tasks of this method.The prospects for the development of the principles of communication and interaction of the studied language and foreign language culture are carried out within the framework of a dialogue between two cultures – foreign and native. Abandonment of the native language, mandatory in the communicative teaching method. At the initial stage of learning a foreign language, immersion in the language environment occurs gradually. In the first lessons, explanations are made in the native language, and then the teacher completely switches to a foreign language [2].When applying and developing a communicative methodology, it is necessary to use the basic methodological principles:The communicative method assumes that each lesson is divided into three phases: at the engagement stage, a topic for discussion arises, the study stage is aimed at learning new things, and at the activation stage, students complete tasks to consolidate what they have learned. It is desirable that in classes where the teacher uses a communicative technique, authentic materials on relevant topics and interesting modern manuals are used. When using the communicative method, the material is worked out in groups or in pairs under the supervision of a teacher. All grammar is studied in context, when the student understands from the context how a particular word and grammatical structure are used. In the communicative method of teaching English, vocabulary and grammar are introduced using stable constructions. This is how the goal is achieved to teach students to speak correctly and fluently. The communicative method develops oral speech skills, reading skills and listening comprehension of information.The most important principle of the communicative methodology is that the learning process should be interesting and exciting. In order for lessons to be productive, the teacher must maintain children's interest in the English language. Using the game method of teaching in primary school is the best way, taking into account such basic features as mobility, activity, emotionality and attention instability. When using the game correctly, a foreign language is not perceived as another complex information that needs to be learned, but as a real and accessible means of communication for children. Completing tasks usually causes students to be afraid of making mistakes, whereas participating in games forces them to fully engage in the process, especially if there is a competitive element [3]. In such an environment, they demonstrate their skills more confidently and freely.In order for classes to be held most effectively, the teacher needs to adapt to the environment and the individual characteristics of the students. Gestures and facial expressions are important learning tools, especially for younger students who are still guided by body language and facial expressions during communication. All instructions, stories, songs and rhymes are accompanied by gestures, facial expressions, pictures and other supporting materials to explain the meaning. It is very difficult to keep the attention of a whole group of young children, so the best way to do this is to frequently change different activities.The communicative approach to language Teaching (CLT) has played a significant role in the development of language competence. This approach focuses on using language as a means of communication and developing practical skills necessary for effective interaction in real-life situations [4]. The contribution of the communicative approach to the development of language competence can be considered in several key aspects.Additional aspects and perspectives of the communicative approach to language learning (CLT) can be considered from various points of view. Here are a few areas that can be explored:1. Historical context: A study of the origin and evolution of the communicative approach, its development from the 1970s to the present day, as well as key figures and works that influenced its formation.2. Theoretical Foundations: Delving into the theories underlying CLT, including the work of Noam Chomsky, Dell Hymes, and Michael Halliday. The study of the concepts of "communicative competence" and "sociolinguistic competence".3. Comparison with other approaches: Analysis of the differences and similarities of CLT with other teaching methods, such as the grammar-translation method, the audio-lingual method, the direct method, etc. This will help you better understand the advantages and limitations of the communicative approach.4. Psycholinguistic aspects: The study of how the communicative approach affects the cognitive processes of students, their motivation and perception of language. The inclusion of research results on the development of language skills in children and adults.5. Practical implementation: A study of examples of successful application of CLT in various educational contexts (schools, universities, language courses). An analysis of the techniques and strategies that teachers use to effectively implement CLT.6. Adaptation to different levels and audiences: Consideration of how a communicative approach can be adapted to teach different age groups and levels of language proficiency, including beginners, advanced and advanced learners.7. Technology Integration: Exploring the role of modern technologies in supporting and enhancing CLT capabilities, including the use of online platforms, mobile applications, virtual classrooms and other digital tools.8. Critical reviews and challenges: Discussion of criticism and difficulties associated with the implementation of a communicative approach, such as problems with assessing communication skills, lack of qualified teachers, cultural differences, etc.9. Intercultural Communication: Exploring how CLT contributes to the development of students' intercultural competence, their ability to understand and respect cultural differences in communication.10. Research and Data: Search and analysis of empirical studies evaluating the effectiveness of CLT in various contexts and its impact on students' language competence [5].Developing the principle of a communicative approach in teaching a foreign language to middle and senior level students, the project method plays a special role. When exchanging information, students enter into foreign language communication, where each participant of the project presents the completed work. Then the work of each member of the project team is combined into a single whole [6]. Authentic sources, video and audio materials, and the Internet are used to implement the project. The project methodology allows students to be involved in research activities. The basis of the foreign language project method is the content of teaching a foreign language, which leads to the development of communicative competence. The project methodology allows you to improve communication skills, develop motivation to learn a language. In this regard, it is necessary to build speech skills and practical exercises in which the skills and abilities of speech communication would be practiced. No less important, according to the definition of well-known linguists, is the method of project activity, when it implies maximum convergence of the learning process with the process of speech communication [7]. The combination of these two factors leads to the formation of speech communication, overcoming the language barrier through cognitive communicative actions. The project provides an opportunity to individualize language education, which increases the degree of assimilation of the material and adapts it to the needs of students. The inclusion of projects in language education meets the principles of a communicative approach in the process of teaching a foreign language. The use of Internet search engines can contribute to communication and the ability to find information on any topic during the work on the project. The project methodology ensures the development of communication skills, that is, the ability to communicate freely on the topic of the project [8].It is necessary to conduct practical exercises in which the skills of verbal communication would be practiced. For example, at the end of the module, students are asked to complete a project on a specific topic. Project protection can be presented in the form of a poster, a diagram, a presentation, a video, a discussion, etc. An analysis of approaches and methods of communicative learning has revealed the wide potential of the project method to solve the task [9].The project form of work is one of the most relevant technologies in the educational activities of a foreign language project, which includes elements of gaming, cognitive, communicative and creative activities [10]. Topics and activities are selected for classes that arouse a desire to communicate and learn more. The communicative method best develops the ability to communicate competently and fluently in a foreign language and avoid awkward pauses in speech.The communicative method is one of the most interesting and effective, because it is based on the ideas of communicative linguistics, the concept of personality development in the dialogue of cultures, which determine the ultimate goal of teaching a foreign language – mastering a foreign language culture in the process of intercultural communication. The speech orientation and overcoming the language barrier through the practice of communication determine the tasks of this method.
Номер журнала Вестник науки №7 (76) том 2
Ссылка для цитирования:
Ordabayeva D.M., Zhylkybayeva T.Zh., Tumgoeva L.I. THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF LANGUAGE COMPETENCE // Вестник науки №7 (76) том 2. С. 356 - 362. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/16795 (дата обращения: 09.09.2024 г.)
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