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Kozhamuratov N.K., Sukhanberdina B.B.




modern labor incentive system plays a critical role in enhancing employee productivity and overall organizational performance. This article examines contemporary approaches to improving the labor incentive system, addressing the need for a more holistic, flexible, and adaptive framework that aligns with the evolving dynamics of the workforce. Traditional incentive models are increasingly being replaced by strategies that focus on intrinsic motivation, employee well-being, and career development opportunities. The primary objective of this paper is to explore innovative incentive mechanisms, including performance-based pay, non-financial rewards, and employee recognition programs, which have shown to contribute significantly to higher job satisfaction and engagement. Additionally, the study delves into the role of technology and digital tools in personalizing incentives, facilitating real-time feedback, and fostering a more transparent and inclusive organizational culture.   

Ключевые слова:
employee motivation, non-financial rewards, employee engagement, digital tools, organizational culture   

The modern reality in which business entities operate is associated with such processes as digitalization, acceleration of the turbulence of the external environment, increasing role of knowledge and innovation, increasing the level of education and qualification of employees and increasing staff mobility. Under these conditions, the value of human resources that reproduce innovations and are capable of solving problems is significantly increasing. In addition, approaches to the management of such employees are radically changing, the idea of delegation and participativity is being realized more and more often. The essence of participativeness as a phenomenon lies in the development of humanization of economic relations and, in particular, social and labor relations. There is a need to change the methodology of formation, functioning and development of incentive systems for employees under the prism of these transformations.In the most generalized understanding, “methodology can be presented as a set of general worldview provisions and principles that determine a certain position of researchers, as well as the scientific justification of methods of cognition of investigated phenomena and processes of objective reality...can be defined as a system of principles, methods and rules of theoretical and practical construction and organization of activities in the field of science”[1].The essence and economic content of the concept of “stimulation of employees” is one of the key issues of labor economics, as it is the stimulation of employees - the main lever to increase the efficiency of modern production.The economic category “employee incentives” is currently interpreted in a very multifaceted way, which is due to the different ideas of researchers about its content and, therefore, creates difficulties in understanding its essence. This, on the one hand, is due to the fact that socio-economic relations related to employee incentives are complex in themselves, they systematically interconnect social and labor relations at the macro-, meso-, micro-levels and the level of each individual. On the other hand, the content of the concept of “employee incentives”, manifested in the totality of its methods and types, is constantly changing, which is an objective process.To date, economic science has developed several contradictory approaches to the definition of the category “system of incentives for employees”, which is due to the ambiguity of views and approaches to the understanding of such categories as: “motive” and ‘incentive’, ‘motivation’ and ‘stimulation’. The question of the correlation of these concepts remains controversial. In management practice, no distinction is made between these categories, they are considered rather as synonymous concepts.It is possible to understand this problem by studying the etymology of these economic categories. The concepts of “motivation” and “stimulation” come from the words “motive” and “stimulus”, respectively.The concept of “motive”, first of all, is the subject of research in the science of “psychology”. But, even among scientists-psychologists there is no unambiguity in its understanding. So, Obukhovsky K. in his monograph “Galaxy of needs. Psychology of human drives” writes: ”.....English (1934): a motive is what someone consciously determines as the basis of his behavior. Warren (1934): a motive is a conscious experience or subconscious conditions which, in a given situation, is a factor that takes part in determining individual or social behavior. Cameron (1947, p. 127): in practice we call a motive any factor of which we think it has a special significance as a stimulus to carry out some activity, determining its course and results. Teplov (1954, p. 178): motives are what motivates a person to set certain goals (these can be feelings, interests, beliefs and worldview). Guilford (1956, p. 91): a motive is any particular internal factor or state that leads to the initiation and maintenance of activity. Hilgard (1957, p. 585) believes that a motive is any state of an organism that has an influence on its readiness to initiate or continue a particular behavior. Levitsky: motive is a mental process which from within stimulates us to set a goal and adopt appropriate means of action”[2].The views of economic scientists on the essence of the concepts “motive” and “incentive” also differ (Table 1).Table 1. Approaches to the definition of the category “motive”[3].The definitions of motive presented in Table 1 show that scientists adhere to a broader interpretation of this category. Such scientists as: Odegov Y.G., Kibanov A.Y., Vihansky O.S., Naumov A.I. and others consider the motive more narrowly, defining it as an “internal” factor of influence on a person, as a push to action “from within”, that is, it has an internal nature of formation.Consequently, those scientists who proceed from the “narrow” approach to the interpretation of “motive”, see the differences between the concepts of “motive” and “stimulus” in the fact that the motive has an internal nature of origin, and the stimulus - external. This largely determines their positions on the content of the concepts of “motivation” and “stimulation”.Western scholar Lutens F. interprets motivation as: “a process that begins with a physiological or psychological shortage or need that activates behavior or creates an urge to achieve a particular goal or reward”[4]. According to Heckhausen H.: “motivation is thought of as a process of choosing between different possible actions, a regulatory process that directs the action to achieve specific for a given motive target states and maintains this orientation”[5]. These definitions reflect the relationship between the concepts of “motive” and “motivation” and are closer to the psychological aspects that justify human actions.Let us consider the approaches of domestic scientists to the definition of the category “motivation” and “stimulation” (Table 2).Table 2. Approaches to the definition of the categories “motivation” and “stimulation”[6]The effectiveness of managerial labor, from this point of view, should be understood as the success of solving individual, continuously arising managerial situations. The effectiveness of managerial activity depends, first of all, on the nature of the problems to be solved, on the way of implementation of managerial decisions (i.e. on the organization of the managerial process), on situational moments affecting the implementation of managerial decisions, as well as on subjective factors, among which we can mention work experience, personal traits and work style of the manager. The actions of a manager can be considered effective if they can be characterized as timely, consistently conducted and successful.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №10 (79) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Kozhamuratov N.K., Sukhanberdina B.B. MODERN APPROACHES TO IMPROVING THE LABOR INCENTIVE SYSTEM // Вестник науки №10 (79) том 3. С. 21 - 26. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/17831 (дата обращения: 09.12.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/17831

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