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Shaimerdenkyzy N.




this study examines the management and use of pastures in the Syrdarya District of the Kyzylorda Region, a crucial area for livestock farming in Kazakhstan. Over the years, these pastures have experienced significant degradation due to factors such as increased livestock numbers, climate change, water shortages, and inefficient land use. The research utilized data from Kazakhstan’s National Land Report (2023), regional pasture management plans, and livestock statistics to assess the current state of the pasturelands. These interventions, along with government support and community involvement, are critical to restoring pasture productivity and ensuring the sustainable development of livestock farming in the region.   

Ключевые слова:
pastureland management, livestock farming, pasture degradation, land use, load norms   

Introduction.The Republic of Kazakhstan is actively working to solve these problems through state programs, such as the National Project for the development of the Agro-Industrial Complex for 2021-2030. This project is aimed at solving several important problems:- High share of livestock in private subsidiary farms that are not integrated into technological processes and lack sufficient feed.- Lack of pastures in rural areas.- Weak feed base and low pasture productivity.- Land degradation and low salaries for veterinary professionals.- Insufficient use of remote pastures due to lack of water supply.- Lack of qualified personnel in breeding livestock[1].Natural pastures are the main resource of animal husbandry in Kazakhstan, providing a stable feed base.Natural forage areas are the natural wealth of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the main means of agricultural production and a source of production of livestock products. In creating a strong feed base, which is very necessary for animal husbandry, it is important to properly organize the territory of pastures on farms. The organization of the correct use of available pastures and the decisive improvement of the territory of pastures stands as an urgent issue.However, today the problem of using pastures is one of the main problems in agriculture and Natural Resource Management. Today, pasture land is the dominant land type and accounts for 183.2 million hectares (83.6% of agricultural land) (Figure 1)[2]. Therefore, it makes them an integral part of the local population and economy. Even so, despite the abundance of pasture land, rural settlements face the problem of their scarcity. Therefore, in recent years, the shortage of pasture land has become one of the most pressing problems for rural districts of each region. Over the past few decades, these places have undergone significant degradation. Important factors contributing to this include increasing livestock, climate change, lack of Water Resources, and unbalanced land use.Special attention is paid to the conservation and rational use of agricultural land, including pastures. This study examines the current state of pastures in the Syrdarya District of the Kyzylorda region, analyzes the causes of their degradation, offers modern methods of their restoration and sustainable use.Materials and Methods.This research used various data sources and analytical methods to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the current state of pastureland and the factors affecting their productivity.Figure 1.Data Sources.1.Consolidated Analytical Report on the state of land in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023. This report contains data on land degradation, including the degradation of 27.1 million hectares of pastures. The situation is especially severe in the Kyzylorda region, where 1.5 million hectares of pastures are eroded[2].2. Syrdarya District Pasture Management Plan For 2024-2025. This document provides detailed information on the distribution of pastures and the number of livestock in rural districts of the Region[3].3. Administrative and statistical data. The data on the number of cattle, sheep, goats, horses and camels in each rural district were analyzed, as well as the rules for the use of pastures established by the legislation of Kazakhstan.4. problems of pasture management in Kazakhstan: A study by Zhanadilov and Abdrakhmanov (2019) addresses key issues in the management of pasture resources in Kazakhstan, such as insufficient water supply infrastructure and weak integration of local farmers into state programs.. These problems are similar to my problems identified in my research on the Syrdarya Region[5].Research Methods.In the course of the study, the assessment of pasture conditions in relation to the current norms of pasture load was carried out through regulatory and statistical analysis. According to the law" on pastures", one head of cattle needs 11 hectares of pasture, 2.2 hectares for small cattle, 13 hectares for horses and 15.4 hectares for camels. This analysis shows a shortage of pasture land in the area[4].In addition, remote sensing methods. Geospatial technology was used to assess the state of pastures and diagnose the level of degradation. Remote sensing technologies allow you to track changes in ecosystems and identify areas that need to be restored.In the third place-the monographic method. To study the problems and problems associated with the management of pastures, an analysis of literature and government documents was carried out.Table 1. Distribution of valleys by Syrdarya district. According to the data (Table 1), pastures in Syrdarya District occupy 97.9% of the total area, equivalent to 2,867,2545 hectares. However, as shown in Table 3, many rural districts face a significant shortage of pastureland to meet the needs of the local population and livestock. For example, in the Terenozek rural district, the actual pasture area is 5,903 hectares, whereas 56,432 hectares are required to support the livestock. This indicates a significant overloading of pastures, leading to their degradation.Table 2. Information on the number of livestock in Syrdarya district. Аs shown in the second table, the Syrdarya district consists of 1 settlement and 13 rural districts. This table shows the number of livestock in the area.According to Article 15 of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" on pastures", the need for pasture land for grazing farm animals for the needs of the local population, the load factor is 11.0 Ha/head of cattle, small cattle – 2.2 Ha/head, horses – 13.0 Ha/head, camels – 15.4 Ha/head.Table 3. Livestock Population.Syrdarya District has more than 40,000 heads of cattle and around 30,000 sheep and goats, which require large areas of pasture to sustain the forage base. As seen in Table 2, many districts have an imbalance between livestock numbers and available pasture resources. For example, in the Akzharma rural district, there are 3,582 heads of cattle and 2,132 sheep, but the available pastureland is insufficient for these animals.Pasture Deficit.Table 3 shows the required pasture area for each rural district. Overall, the district experiences a significant shortage of pastureland. For example, in the Shirkeyli district, 49,765 hectares of pasture are needed, while only 25,072 hectares are available. This imbalance leads to land degradation, reducing their ability to regenerate productivity and exacerbating erosion processes.Discussion.Several key conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of pastureland conditions in Syrdarya District.Excessive pasture load is a major issue, with many rural districts facing significant shortages of pastureland. This has led to overburdened pasture areas, causing their degradation and reducing their productivity. The current management methods are unsustainable as pasture load norms have been significantly exceeded.Another critical challenge is the lack of access to water, particularly in remote pastures. Many of these pastures remain underutilized due to the absence of water resources. Introducing water supply systems is essential to enable the rational use of these areas and ensure the sustainable management of pastureland.Geospatial technologies offer great potential for improving pasture management. Remote sensing and other geospatial monitoring methods can enhance the effectiveness of managing these lands. By tracking changes in pasture conditions, these technologies enable the identification of areas in need of restoration and facilitate the development of long-term strategies for sustainable land use.Land restoration is also a key priority. To prevent further degradation and improve the state of pastures, rotational grazing methods and active restoration measures must be implemented. These efforts will help increase pasture productivity, enhance biodiversity, and reduce erosion.Conclusion.For successful restoration and sustainable use of pasturelands in Syrdarya District, several measures are required. First, it is crucial to rationally distribute livestock to balance the load on pasturelands, thus preventing their degradation and ensuring long-term productivity. Second, the development of water supply infrastructure is necessary to facilitate the use of remote pastures, ensuring a more even distribution of land use. Additionally, the implementation of modern monitoring technologies, such as remote sensing and geospatial analysis, will allow for better control over land conditions and enable timely interventions in degraded areas.A comprehensive approach, involving government support, scientific methods, and active participation from local communities, is essential to restore the productivity of pasturelands and ensure the sustainable development of livestock farming in the region.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №10 (79) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Shaimerdenkyzy N. ANALYSIS OF THE MANAGEMENT AND USE OF PASTURES OF THE SYRDARYA DISTRICT OF KYZYLORDA REGION // Вестник науки №10 (79) том 3. С. 1153 - 1160. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/18026 (дата обращения: 08.12.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/18026

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