Islomov Sh.E.
the article is devoted to the problem of the development of the motor vehicle maintenance market. The study highlights several conditions that affect the preferences of car owners when choosing an enterprise that performs repairs and maintenance of road transport
Ключевые слова:
car maintenance, motor transport enterprise, car park, car repair
УДК 631.354
Islomov Sh.E.
Senior lecturer of the Department of "Engineering of Transport Vehicles"
Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
(Jizzakh, Republic of Uzbekistan)
Abstract: the article is devoted to the problem of the development of the motor vehicle maintenance market. The study highlights several conditions that affect the preferences of car owners when choosing an enterprise that performs repairs and maintenance of road transport.
Keywords: car maintenance, motor transport enterprise, car park, car repair.
One of the most massive industries that has long taken a leading position in the country's transport complex is road transport. At the stage of formation of market relations in Uzbekistan, it received a new impetus for its development and is now one of the fastest growing sub-sectors of the national economy.
Reliable operation of transport is one of the necessary conditions for the integrity of the country, ensuring national security.
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to provide transport services to the population and further improve the system of passenger transportation by bus in cities and villages," realization of transit potential and increase of competitiveness of transport system of Uzbekistan will contribute to formation of world-class transport infrastructure in Uzbekistan and creation of a solid basis for successful integration of Uzbekistan into the world transport system and change of role of transport industry in formation of gross national product. The implementation of complex infrastructure projects aimed at increasing the attractiveness of transport corridors will generate additional revenues in the amount of more than $1 billion.
The determining conditions for increasing the service life and improving the productivity of vehicles are their competent operation and maintenance.
Effective functioning of motor transport is ensured by car service which basic purpose - maintaining consumer qualities and physical properties of vehicles: decrease in intensity of wear of knots and details, prevention of defects in work of knots, units, the engine.
This sector of consumer services is developing dynamically, but remains very young and faces a number of serious problems.
The emerging diversity of the car business makes it necessary to study market trends and forecast the functioning of the maintenance and repair network of motor vehicles.
The study highlights several conditions that affect the preferences of car owners when choosing an enterprise that performs repairs and maintenance of road transport:
The next node factor of the scheme under consideration - consumer income - also has a multiplier effect on changing demand. At the same time, the direct impact of revenue on the volume of car service is not so significant (for various income groups, the need for maintenance and repair is mainly determined by the technical condition of the car). Feedback is much stronger in the contour of interdependencies in question - through an increase in the fleet of vehicles and a change in its structure. This is determined by the various possibilities for acquiring a car, which are highly differentiated by income groups.
The circuit formed by the quality factor of work in the auto service industry directly depends on the efficiency of its work. Even if consumer income remains unchanged, it can have a stimulating effect on the growth of the car fleet and the development of the car service industry itself. Therefore, it is this circuit that should be the focus of further research in forecasting the development of the auto service industry.
The proposed conceptual framework allows forecasting the demand for maintenance and repair of vehicles based on an integrated approach that takes into account the full range of main factors and their interrelationships that determine demand.
The second component of market relations is supply. It is through taking into account the preferences of sellers and buyers that a system of prices for products and services is formed in various markets.
In a market economy, no activity will cost anything until it is claimed by the buyer. Therefore, it is very important - what work and how the company will perform. The client wins a reasonable price-quality ratio, trying to make the second higher than the first.
The study of the literature on the topic, as well as the studies conducted, made it possible to make forecasts for the development of the maintenance and repair market:
The organization of service of domestic equipment does not yet correspond to the modern level. The low level of service development reduces the competitiveness of our equipment. The market urgently needs an early increase in the number of repair and service enterprises that will provide new jobs.
The success of the maintenance enterprise depends on a comprehensive study of the needs and a consumer assessment of the quality of the work performed. A modern enterprise development strategy involves an integrated approach that combines the material aspects of production, as well as other less tangible elements that go beyond the field of rational motives. We are talking about optimizing the production process, and good advertising, and competent management, and a culture of relations with the consumer. Only the desire to use all available resources rationally, consumer orientation can lead to the planned results of activities, which in turn ensures the financial stability of the organization in the market and its solvency.
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Номер журнала Вестник науки №9 (54) том 4
Ссылка для цитирования:
Islomov Sh.E. ROAD VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR MARKET OUTLOOK // Вестник науки №9 (54) том 4. С. 86 - 91. 2022 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/6222 (дата обращения: 05.12.2024 г.)
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